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Reuniones del grupo de discusión de bioseguridad (Etapa 1: 6/mayo/2004 al 13/enero/2005)



Artículos de discusión


Molecular farming

Francisca Acevedo
Alejandra Barrios

Going to "Great Lengths" to Prevent the Escape of Genes That Produce Specialty Chemicals (Ellstrand NC., 2003).
Molecular farming in plants: host systems and expression technology (Twyman et al., 2003)
The production of recombinant pharmaceutical proteins in plants (Ma et al., 2003)


Generaciones de organismos vivos modificados (impactos a la salud e impacto a la alimentación)

Amanda Gálvez

Rosalinda Tapia

Assessing the survival of transgenic plant DNA in the human gastrointestinal tract (Netherwood et al., 2004)
Assessment of the food safety issues related to genetically modified (Kuiper et al., 2001)
Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome and tryptophan production: a cautionary tale (Mayeno et al., 1994)
Genetic engineering of crops as potential source of genetic hazard in the human diet (Conner et al., 1998)
Human health concerns with GM crops (Malarkey T., 2003)
Nutritional and Safety Assessments of Foods and Feeds Nutritionally Improved through Biotechnology (Chassy et al., 2004)
Post-Market Oversight of biotech Foods: Is the system prepared? (Taylor et al., 2003)
The first word/ L-TRP’S lesson: The process is the product (McCormick D., 1992)


Construcción de la capacidad en toda la cadena

Rosa Luz González

López Herrera

GEF Support for Capacity Building in Biosafety. An information document prepared by the GEF Secretariat and Implementing Agencies (UNDP, UNEP and World Bank) for the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2004)
Linking Academia Research Centers with the Productive Sector in Developing Countries: A strategic planning tool to improve absorptive capacity (Almanza et al., 2004)


Análisis de riesgo

Francisca Acevedo
Jaime Díaz
Sol Ortiz
Marcelo Signorini

Current Methods for Assessing Safety of Genetically Modified Crops as Exemplified by Data on Roundup Ready Soybeans (Nair et al., 2002)
Is too much risk assessment risky? (Brown J., 2001)
Safe biotechnology 9: values in risk assessment for the environmental application of microorganisms (Doblhoff-Dier et al., 1999)
The release of genetically modified crops into the environment. Part II. Overview of ecological risk assessment (Conner et al., 1993)


Comunicación, divulgación de la ciencia, información y educación: Percepción pública

Michelle Chauvet
Rolf Immler

Fisher, F. 2001. Citizens, Experts, and the Environment. The politics of local knowledge. Dake University Press. 304 pp.
GM crops: science, politics and communication (Arntzen et al., 2003)
How can genetically modified foods be made publicly acceptable? (Rowe G., 2004)
The GM public debate: context and communication strategies (Hails et al., 2003)


Monitoreo y detección

Alejandra Barrios
Amanda Gálvez

A novel multiplex quantitative DNA array based PCR (MQDA-PCR) for quantification of transgenic maize in food and feed (Rudi et al., 1993)
Detection of genetically modified organisms in foods (Ahmed F., 2002)
Development of real-time PCR systems based on SYBR® Green I, Amplifluor™ and TaqMan® technologies for specific quantitative detection of the transgenic maize event GA21 (Hernández et al., 2004)
Is confidence in the monitoring of GE foods justified? (Heinemann et al., 2004)
Report on GMO Detection Identification and Quantification Methods Submitted to Collaborative Studies (Bonfini et al., 2002)
Review of GMO Detection and Quantification Techniques (Bonfini et al., 2002)
Sampling Strategies for GMO. Detection and/or Quantification (Kay et al., 2001)
Screening of transgenic proteins expressed in transgenic food crops for the presence of short amino acid sequences identical to potential, IgE –binding linear epitopes of allergens (Kleter et al., 2002)
Semi-quantitative detection of genetically modified grains based on CaMV 35s promoter amplification (Tozzini, A., 2000)
Simulating kernel lot sampling: the effect of heterogeneity on the detection of GMO contaminations (Paoletti et al., 2002)
Suitability of real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for cry9C detection in Mexican corn tortillas: fate of DNA and protein after alkaline cooking (Quirasco et al., 2004)
The limits of GMO detection (Kay et al., 2001)


Aspectos éticos

Rolf Immler

Biotechnology, bioethics and anti-aging interventions (Turner L., 2004)


Aspectos legales (nacionales e internacionales)

Rocío Becerra
Elleli Huerta
Christian López
José Lugo
Norma Munguía
Lorenza Reyes
Yuriko Siqueiros
Patricia Tovar

Biosafety principles for GMOs in the context of sustainable developtment (Karlsson, M., 2003)
International Trade, Environmental Protection and Development as a Sustainable Development Triangle (Gaines S., 2002)
Prospects for principles of International Sustainable Development Law after the WSSD: Common but Differentiated Responsabilities, Precaution and Participation (Cordonier et al., 2003)


Propiedad Intelectual

José Carlos Fernández
Jesús Vega

Agricultural Biotechnology Research (ICABR): Ag-Biotech in the Courts: Patents, Privileges and Presumptions (Gold et al., 2004).
American Patent Policy, Biotechnology, and African Agriculture: The Case for Policy Change (Taylor et al., 2003)


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