Marine benthic algae from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (ENCB, IPN)

National School of Biological Sciences
National Polytechnic Institute
Prol. de Carpio y Plan de Ayala s/n
Col. Casco de Santo Tomas
11340 Mexico D.F.
Phone: 5729 6000
Fax 5729 6000 ext 46205

Q.B.P. Laura Huerta
Head of the Project
Biol. Angela Catalina Mendoza
Curator of the Phycological Collection
Herbarium of the ENCB
Department of Botany
Phone: 5729 6000 ext 62330

The Yucatan Peninsula is a coastal plateau surrounded by a lot of islands, many of them are coral reefs. This region supplies the ideal environments for the development of a wide variety of marine benthic algae, which are an important elements in the stablishment of many communities, too.

The database contains 6 000 specimens pertaining to 56 families, 153 genera and 405 species, and it pertains to the SNIB.

National School of Biological Sciences

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