Collection of Butterflies from Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico (ECOSUR-CH)

Museo de Zoología
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur - Chetumal
Av. Del Centenario 5.5
77000 Chetumal, Quintana Roo
Phone: (983) 835 0440
Fax (983) 835 0454

M.C. Carmen Pozo de la Tijera
Department of Terrestrial Ecology and Systematics
Phone: (983) 835 0440 ext 4301

The Lepidopters Collection of the Museum of Zoology is represented by species from the areas from which the highest number of samples have been taken such as La Unión (Belize border), Chetumal Bay and the Island of Cozumel in Quintana Roo and the Calakmul Region in Campeche.

The database of the Collection of Butterflies from Calakmul contains 7 981 specimens corresponding to 5 families, 142 genera and 213 species and pertains to the SNIB.

Museum of Zoology

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