Herbarium of the National School of Biological Sciences, Mexico (ENCB, IPN)

National School of Biological Sciences
National Polytechnic Institute
Prol. de Carpio y Plan de Ayala s/n
Col. Casco de Santo Tomás
11340 Mexico D.F.
Phone: 5729 6000
Fax 5729 6000 ext 46205

Dr. Rafael Fernández Nava
Laboratory of Phanerogams
Department of Botany
Phone: 5729 6000 ext 62331
e-mail: rfernan@vmredipn.ipn.mx

The information currently contained in the database of the ENCB Herbarium corresponds to examples of phanerogams of the Valley of Mexico, a sample type of vascular plant and sample of the Bursaraceae and Nyctaginaceae families, as well as examples from various countries of the world deposited in said Herbarium. This database has 38 704 specimens pertaining to 217 families, 1 026 genera and 2 843 species of plants, and it pertains to the SNIB.

National School of Biological Sciences

Projects supported by Conabio:

J114, T002