The Polyporaceae sensu stricto and the Albatrellaceae families in Mexico

National School of Biological Sciences
National Polytechnic Institute
Prol. de Carpio y Plan de Ayala s/n
Col. Casco de Santo Tomas
11340 Mexico D.F.
Phone: 5729 6000
Fax 5729 6000 ext 46205

M. en C. Ricardo Valenzuela Garza
Head of the Project
Laboratory of Mycology
Department of Botany
Phone: 5729 6000 ext 62329

This assignment includes the review of the specimens kept in 17 Mexican and 8 foreign collections. The specimens proceed from many Mexican localities and they have been measured (morphometric characteristics) and determinated according to Ryvarden (1991), and Gilbertson and Ryvarden (1986,1987).

The database contains 5 227 specimens pertaining to 2 families, 61 genera and 178 species, and it pertains to the SNIB.

National School of Biological Sciences

Projects supported by Conabio
