Collection of Macrobentic Crustaceans from the Gulf of Mexico (ICMyL-DF, UNAM)

Marine and Limnological Science Institute - D.F., UNAM
Circuito Exterior Ciudad Universitaria,
Col. Copilco Universidad, Coyoacán
04510 México, D.F.
Phone: 5622 5771 - 5805
Fax 5616 2745

Dra. Elva Escobar Briones
Laboratory of Benthos Ecology
Phone: 5622 5835 - 5804

The knowledge of the specific diversity is the key to understanding natural and disturbed ecosystems. The documentation of this diversity in the marine ecosystem is essential at a regional level given the rapid global change and taking into consideration that various habitats are exposed to the anthropogenic impact. The database contains information on the specific wealth of Crustacea of macrofauna (sizes smaller than 5 mm) bentonic (represented primarily by the Peracarida superorder) of the platform environment (50 to 200 m) and the continental slope (200 to 611 m exclusively) of the Gulf of Mexico. This database which pertains to the SNIB includes material collected at 150 oceanographic stations of the southwest and northwest part of the Gulf of Mexico which correspond to 1 004 specimens representing 43 families, 83 genera and 109 species identified and confirmed by specialists. The material is maintained in the National Carcinology Collection of the IBUNAM and includes specimens pertaining to the Cumacea (13), Thalassinidea (92), Isopoda (15), Amphipoda (45) and Tanaidacea (35) orders.

Marine and Limnological Science Institute - D.F., UNAM

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