Ichthyofauna from the River Balsas basin, Mexico (ENCB, IPN)

National School of Biological Sciences
National Polytechnic Institute
Prol. de Carpio y Plan de Ayala s/n
Col. Casco de Santo Tomas
11340 Mexico D.F.
Phone: 5729 6000
Fax 5729 6000 ext 46205

Dr. Eduardo Soto Galera
Curator of the Collection of Mexican Freshwater Fishes
Laboratory of Ichthyology
Department of Zoology
Phone: 5729 6000 ext 62420
e-mail: egalera@ipn.mx

The current project gives information about the ichthyological diversity of the basin of Rio Balsas/Balsas River. A lot of this information proceed from 60 recollections, which took place in the less studied regions of the basin during rainy and hot weather periods.

The database contains 610 specimens pertaining to 8 families, 20 genera and 30 species, and it pertains to the SNIB.

National School of Biological Sciences

Projects supported by Conabio
