Ichthyoplankton of the Laguna Madre and Laguna Almagre, Tamaulipas, and the Laguna of Tampamachoco, Veracruz, Mexico (ENCB, IPN)

National School of Biological Sciences
National Polytechnic Institute
Prol. de Carpio y Plan de Ayala s/n
Col. Casco de Santo Tomas
11340 Mexico D.F.
Phone: 5729 6000
Fax 5729 6000 ext 46205

Dr. Jose Alberto Ocaña
Head of the Project
Laboratory of Ecology
Department of Zoology
Phone: 5729 6000 ext 62423
e-mail: jocana@ipn.mx

The main goal of this project is to know the diversity and the space-time variation of ichthyoplankton in three different lagoon systems: Laguna Madre, Laguna Almagre, in Tamaulipas and Laguna of Tampamachoco, in Veracruz.

The database contains 824specimens pertaining to 22 families, 41 genera and 49 species of plants, and it pertains to the SNIB.

National School of Biological Sciences

Projects supported by Conabio
