Herbarium of the Institute of Ecology, A.C. Mexico (IE-XAL)

Institute of Ecology, A.C. - Xalapa
Apdo. Postal 63
Km 2.5 carretera antigua a Coatepec No. 351, Congregación El Haya
91000 Xalapa, Ver.
Phone: (228) 842 18 00
Fax: (228) 818 78 09
e-mail: chapulin@ecologia.edu.mx

M. en C. Sergio Avendaño
Herbarium XAL
Phone: (228) 842-1800 ext. 3102 y 3112
e-mail: sergio.avendano@inecol.edu.m

The database of the XAL Herbarium contains information on the flora of Mexico and particularly of the state of Veracruz. It was created for consultation, not only of a scientific nature but also to assist the various users in compiling information relative to all the plants represented in said herbarium. The database of the XAL herbarium consists of 239 950 records of samples corresponding to 353 families, 3 135 genera and 16 231 species and pertain to the SNIB

Institute of Ecology, A.C. - Xalapa

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