Collection of Mammals from the Transversal Volcanic
Mountain Range of Mexico (UAM-I)

Autonomous Metropolitan University - Unit at Iztapalapa
Av. Michoacán y Purísima
Col. Vicentina
09340 México, D.F.
Phone:5804 4687
Fax. 5804 4688

Dr. José Ramírez Pulido
Laboratory of Mastozoology
Edif. "S" 2do. piso, cubiculo 201
Phone: 5804 4691 - 4692

The collection of Mammals of the Mastozoology Laboratory is a regional collection that includes information on land mammals of the Transversal Volcanic Mountain Range of Mexico. The collection consists of 14 590 records corresponding to 23 families, 93 genera, 207 species pertains to the SNIB.

Autonomous Metropolitan University - Unit at Iztapalapa

Projects supported by Conabio:
