Collection of Marine Crustaceans Decapods from the Mexican Coastlines (UANL)

Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon
Biological Science Faculty
Av. Pedro de Alba s/n
Ciudad Universitaria
66450 San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León
Phone: (81) 83 29 4110

Dr. Antonio Leija Tristan
Laboratory of Ecology and Zoology of Artropods
Phone: 0448182072882
Fax: (81) 8352 4245

The Collection of Marine Crustaceans Decapod is the result of research conducted on Mexican coastlines. The information contained in the database of this collection pertains to the SNIB and includes 2 456 records of samples corresponding to 32 families, 109 genera and 241 species of decapods.

Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon

Projects supported by Conabio:
