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Conabio » Institution » Financing

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The financial resources that CONABIO makes use of in order to fulfill its duties are mainly provided by the Federal Government, and are administrated through a private trust fund, called the Fondo para la Biodiversidad. This trust fund can also recieve national and foreign deductible donations, monetary or non-monetary contributions.

As part of the constitution of the Fondo para la Biodiversidad, supervision mechanisms have been designed to guarantee the proper management of its patrimony.

The trust fund’s Technical Committee is made up of the President of the National Institute of Ecology (INE), who presides over it ex-officio, the Head Attorney for the Environment (Profepa), the Director of UNAM’s National Institute of Ecology, and a representative of an NGO designated by Conabio’s Technical Secretariat, at present PRONATURA. This committee meets every four months and authorizes and supervises budget expenditure.

Conabio’s organizational design represents a best practice for the Mexican public administration, particularly in aspects concerning the transparent and efficient management of its financial resources through the above mentioned private trust-fund. Among other things, the Fideicomiso Fondo para la Biodiversidad allows private donors to contribute to the national effort of participating in the conservation of biodiversity.

We are grateful to organizations, institutions and companies for the support they have given to CONABIO, such as: the development of projects and programs, training, awareness-raising initiatives, development of analytical tools, research, and the publication of more than 220 titles. We are also grateful to a great number of people that have contributed with their monetary donations or by dedicating some of their time participating in Conabio’s efforts.

For questions or comments, please contact the
Executive Secretariat