Reference Collection of Zooplankton (ECOSUR-CH)

El Colegio de la Frontera Sur - Chetumal
Av. Centenario km 5.5
77000 Chetumal, Quintana Roo
Phone (983) 835 0440
Fax (983) 835 0454

Dr. Manuel Elias Gutierrez
Department of Aquatic Ecology and Systematics
Pone: (983) 835 0440 ext 4313

Until recently, many investigators believed that freshwater plankton from the tropical regions was very poor in species; however our studies show a high diversity with low abundances. This is due to the fact that many species have been unnoticed because the sampling is limited in time and intensity, as well as in variety of microhabitats.

The database has information of the three main groups that live in freshwater habitats from the central region of Mexico. The rotifers records increased from 190 known species to more than 250 species; the cladocerans increased from 64 to 106 species and 6 new distributional patterns of copepods were reported. This Collection pertains to the SNIB and includes 556 records of samples corresponding to 22 families, 58 genera and 131 species of zooplankton

Colección de Referencia de Zooplancton (ECOSUR-CH)

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